Ghiveci Deko Senso Essential Kevan M alb mat

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Ghivece & Vase decorative – Ghiveci Deko Senso Essential Kevan M alb mat
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Ghiveci Deko Senso Essential Kevan M alb mat

Brand:Deko Senso Stil:14053 Caracteristici:Fiberstone este un material versatil obtinut dintr-un amestec de fibra de sticla si piatra macinata. Este extrem de rezistent si usor ideal pentru utilizare in interior sau in exterior. Material:24377 Dimensiuni:d 25cm h 21 cm Culoare:Alb

Specification: Ghiveci Deko Senso Essential Kevan M alb mat




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Ghivece & Vase decorative

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Ghiveci Deko Senso Essential Kevan M  alb mat
Ghiveci Deko Senso Essential Kevan M alb mat
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